Slender men REALY FOOTIJ

we were outside with meh friendys.
and one said can we luk for duh sleender men?.
and i yelled you beliving slenderman!? get the fuck out of here and you are not meh friend anymore you shit goblin!!! ( i acctually do beliving slenderman)
the friend ran away crying like a dip shit and i shots him with a shoty gun. and he died. i didn't even remember his name. i then found a paper that had a picture of slenderman naked and it said fuck you bitch!.
i thoughts its was some prank and it mabye was.
and i luk'd behend (behind) meh and i saw slenderman.
and we said
friend-OH MY GOD!!!! IT SLENDERMAN!!!!
me-no its not...
slenderman then grabbed a friend and shoved him up his ass. and me and my friends just took pictures and the friends started dying and we didn't give a shit about there deaths. and we diedy. including mee!!!
and then a skeleton popped out...